Dear Prime Minister

Random letters to Tony Blair from an un-hinged lunatic

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Howells critics Muslim Leaders letter

Dear Dr. Howells,

Congratulations on your robust response to the Open letter sent to the PM today by a number of prominent Muslims. After your recent indiscretion, over the Human rights of the Lebanese, it is encouraging to see that you are back on the straight and narrow and now towing the party line again – you naughty man!

It was vital that someone from the government stepped forward to redirect the issues raised in the letter back to the standard “Terrorists hate Freedom” talking point in order that no one in Government got embarrassed. If one actual reads the letter,

“The debacle of Iraq and now the failure to do more to secure an immediate end to the attacks on civilians in the Middle East not only increases the risk to ordinary people in that region, it is also ammunition to extremists who threaten us all.

Attacking civilians is never justified. This message is a global one. We urge the Prime Minister to redouble his efforts to tackle terror and extremism and change our foreign policy to show the world that we value the lives of civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion. “

We can see the underlying seditiousness and the danger that such thinking might leak out to the electorate. How dare these people state that Iraq has anything to do with creating terrorists? I know that the July 7th bombers mentioned something about it, but they were extremists – they were crazy! We cannot and must not listen to people like them ever. The manner in which we shall defeat all forms of terrorist threats which may face us, is by turning our backs to them, placing our fingers in our ears and shouting “LA LA LA LA I cannot hear you LA LA LA LA”. At least this is how I understand the current US/UK plan for combating terrorism, that and continuing to bomb and shoot Iraqi’s, continuing to ship yet more weapons to Israel whilst threatening Iran and Syria with oblivion.

Anyway, through your comments, you have managed to avoid a discussion about the “justness” of recent UK Foreign Policy and re-direct the discussion back onto the rhetorical and circular one of “Can we really reason with Suicide bombers?” It’s a simple strategy, but for it to succeed we should pray that the British Public are becoming as stupid as their American cousins.

Good Luck with that one,

AJ Bladderwait


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